Monday, September 01, 2008

The Worst Book Ever Written

It is my distinct UNpleasure to introduce you to the a candidate for the worst published book in the world: The Shadow God, by Aaron Rayburn.

<--Worst Book Ever Written

I'd make fun of it, but this reviewer has done a better job than I ever could.

Read his article here. Be prepared to laugh, to gasp, and to stare in shock that someone actually thought this book was fit to print.

Laughter aside, consider this a learning opportunity of what NOT to do.


Anonymous said...

Thing in the Coat said...

No, no, no. When it comes to finding the worst books on Amazon, I win.

Also, 'sup to the trolling anonymous. I hope to see more trolling from you, just try to actually be funny with it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous... trolls are supposed to *lure* before they provide links. Tut tut.

Tough toss-up between Savannah and Thing's reviews. Both quite funny.

Oh, by the way... Thing... are you a /b/tard? It seems interesting that so many /b/tards hit up this book (must have been a long time ago... I don't remember seeing this on /b/).

- Jaden

Thing in the Coat said...

I'd respond, but I don't speak to people who say "Tut tut."

But, I'll make an exception this time. I'm a fair-weather /b/tard. Also, I reviewed nothing. You libel me.

Thing in the Coat said...

Seriously. "Tut tut"? You sound like Tally Marx. Stop it.

Anonymous said...

"Tut Tut" is a marvel of modern linguistics. Rappers don't dare utter those two powerful words, and the most prosaic poets cannot grasp the utter sarcasm contained in those six simple letters (and a space, if you're a purist).

How clever, though, to use 'libel' instead of 'slander'. I imagine you must have watched Spiderman many times to realize this. ;)

- Jaden

Thing in the Coat said...

No u

Anonymous said...

Well, if it comes down to a 'no u'... I don't have a response to that, actually. Not even an "o rly?" beats the 'no u'.

I acknowledge your superiority, Thing. ;)

- Jaden

Thing in the Coat said...

Attention: I have won the Internet.

That is all.

Anonymous said...

Over 9000 internets to you, sir.

- Jaden