Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Paolini best Fantasy Writer Ever?

Here's an article that makes me mad.

Excerpt: When Christopher Paolini was 11, he read his first fantasy book. After an extended, several-year "reading binge," he decided he could write a better one himself. He has.

Umm... what kind of bad fantasy books was he reading that he felt the need to write a 'better' one? Tolkein, Adams, Pratchett, Card, and Bradbury weren't good enough for him?

And what was the writer smoking to come to the conclusion that Paolini wrote something better? That he even wrote comprehensible drivel has yet to be determined!


Anonymous said...

Just wondering: why the hell does it look like Paolini is writing IN A BOUND BOOK in a field? Shouldn't he be writing in a notebook or something?

Or it just magic, you know? He goes into a field and HAND-WRITES each and every copy of Eragon, and bathes the pages in Gnuggirvagen Sap before letting the scantily-clad elf-maide Arboingalamdiridriafiel kiss it and package it for the stores?

One day, Savannah our words are going to come back and haunt us. ;)

- Jaden

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Um Does it really matter where he writes his stories? And why do you waste your time posting something in the internet that doesn't even matter? Making fun of people is really dumb and a huge waste of time and energy. Why do it? It doesn't do you any good.

Anonymous said...

Lol, I agree.

Paolini? The worst writer I have ever known. Any writer will tell you that age doesn't matter.

Nice caption!

Anonymous said...

just leave him alone ok. why do you pick on him just because he writes his stories outside? maybe the scenery helps him write his books. and what you are doing is a waste of time. no matter how old he is, he is still a great author.

Anonymous said...

Just because he does things different doesn't mean you can just do what you are doing. Would you like it if someone did this to you? Probably not. So why on earth are you doing this. Like the others say its a was of energy and a wast of time for you to write these things. You know even though he is young doesn't make you better then he is. I would like to see you write a better book then he does. Can you? Probably not. So just leave Christapher Paolini alone will you.
You know even though you may think that he may not be good enough thats your opinion. I think you failed to realise that a lot of us are fans of Mr. Paolini. Although you may not like his books don't write stupid articles about it just keep them to yourself. Mr. Paolini is a way better person then you think he is and you just can't see it.
Its just wrong that you did this. Plus how would like it if someone did this to you and you wrote them or called them about it and they called YOU a sissy? You may not like it so leave Mr. Paolini well alone. He doesn't need you to post these stupid things up so just stop.

Anonymous said...

Stop being a bitchy person about C. Paolini! He is a genius, and you shouldn't be talking about him in that way, because he has written in such a way, that makes me long to be home and reading his work! Just because you don't like him, doesn't meant that you have to be such a Rita Skeeter about it. You have failed to notice, obviously, that most of us (minus you, and my mum) are fans of the Inheritance Series. So if you think you are better than Christopher, I'd like to see you write a bestseller that has been turned into a movie, and has thousands of fans tearing their hair out, waiting for Brisingr. In my opinion, Christopher Paolini come first out of my other favourite authors, David Eddings, JK Rowling and Stephanie Meyer!

Anonymous said...

By the way, you spell 'dialogue' like that. Obviously there are two ways of spelling 'dialog/ue' as they have different meanings. I know that and I am 13. By the way, I'm very pedantic. I thik you might have noticed.

From the girl who told you to stop being like Rita Skeeter, and who challenged you to write a bestseller.

Anonymous said...

I meant think. Misspelt it but I was so angry.

Anonymous said...

Don't be mad because he is a big time publisher with millions of copies of books sold AROUND THE WORLD!!!! He wrote Eragon for his personal interest because qoute "I didn't have enough books to read"! Just when he sold only 130 copies of Eragon, he got lucky and became one of the most well known authors of our time!!!! Get over the fact that for such a young boy, he wrote a wonderful peice of literary genius that!!!! GOD!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Actually those of us who are major fans of his should be angry. That doesn't mean you have to. It doesn't matter if he wrote it because he needed something new to read. Along with that yeah he was young but still it doesn't matter. To be honest with you who is above me with the 1:25 PM post All of us who are fans can make up our own dang mind. We don't have to do anything. I have one question for you.
Whats your point? We all have made ours so pretty much your just being an jerk about things. So you know if you support Savannah thats fine. But the rest of us aren't so leave Mr. Paolini alone.

Anonymous said...

That's it. I've had it with the nonsense surrounding Paolini's supposed genius. Here's a link. Read these Epistles, especially the first one. That's all I ask.


Anonymous said...

Oh, and PS: EVERYONE starts writing when they're 15. Perhaps younger. Paolini got out the gates with publishing quicker because his family has the money to.
But hey, I don't care if I'm winding Paolini fanboys and girls up. Unlike fans of, say, Harry Potter or LOTR, who conduct themselves maturely in the face of critique, many Inheritance fans squeal and moan:
OMG usux!lol I'd He's agenious hes like 15, l!ke 2cu rite a book lmao.
Unflattering, bewildering, and speaks volumes for the kind of fans this author attracts.
if someone can counter me with a reasoned, mature argument to the series strengths, without any lowly personal attacks, then fine. But I doubt it'll happen.

Anonymous said...

Just one comment to people who say the hate it; "have you ever written a book?"

Anonymous said...

Yes I have! But the ancient argument of saying 'Well you haven't written a book so don't criticise' is pointless. Ever heard of Ebert's Law?
t's named after Roger Ebert, the famous film critic. He himself is not a filmmaker, but is the most respected film critic in the world. He knows what he likes, what he doesn't like, and his criticism is just as valid - whether he makes films or not.

Same goes for books. You do not have to be a writer to know what makes a good book: indeed, being a writer can often skew your view of a book, as you can't help but analyse it's techniques and reading it on that level.

So don't try the "Have you ever written a book" nonsense: it won't rub either way. I refer again to the link I provided above if you want to read true analysis and critique of Paolini's writing, and, again, I await a reasoned mature argument for the series.

Anonymous said...

I'm just wondering...How would you feel if someone criticized something you wrote or drew or whatever strikes your fancy? How would you feel if they dedicated entire blog posts to saying how bad you do your stuff? Think from Chris' point of view before you judge him, please.
BTW: I love his books. I know they're not the best or most classy or anything like that, but he writes a good story and people love his work.
I'm a Morzan fan.

Anonymous said...

Well, CP's point of view wouldn't involve criticism because, despite his own advice, doesn't listen to any. Letters and e-mails regarding criticism are blocked by his parents. And yes, he is 25. Not 15 anymore. 25.
There are two types of criticism: constructive criticism (good) and just plain ripping into things (bad). Constructive criticism is good because it helps you eliminate the bad aspects of your work and expand on the positives. Because CP doesn't listen to constructive criticism, his work doesn't improve: if anything, it's regressed.
I'm glad you like the books. I'm not here to aimlessly slam the books and it's fans; that would be hypocritical of me, having said what I've just said. Indeed, as an author, I'm glad that you are reading fiction.
I just don't, in my opinion, think he's a good writer, not even a mediocre one. The reasons of which are well-versed in the link I've provided above.
Please check it out; read the first Epistle in particular.

Anonymous said...

WTF. I SWEAR. I HATE YOU. Oh, God bless you. I hope God can forgive your evil post. YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE HATE HATE YOUR POST. SH*T. LISTEN! FUCK YOU YOU JEALOUS LITTLE BASTARD!

Unknown said...

I'm saddened. The link provided, "http://anti-shurtugal.com/epistles.htm" no longer works. Is there a newer link to the material?


P.S., Savannah, how goes the quest for publication?