Friday, November 17, 2006


I return to you triumphant, for I have been published for the first time.

In May, I sent a personal narrative to this large, paper magazine my school got, called TeenInk. Usually I shy away from 'teen-focused' things, because they tend to be cory and silly, and who wants to be associated with that?

But I was desperate, and so sent off my article. Nothing happened. I figured it hadn't been accepted, so no big deal.

Then today, just after submitting professional articles to The Paris Review, I get a package in the mail, from TeenInk. I figure it's the free copy I requested that they /finally/ got around to sending, but there's also this letter in it, and the first line says 'Dear Published Contributor'....

After a lot of screaming and jumping around and feeling silly, I was able to calm down and realize that this is the first time I have been professionally published anywhere.

So this post is all about celebration.

You can read the article Here for the month of November.

Thank you, and goodnight.


Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for a while now (directed through FP) and yay! Congrats! You have lots of potential and I really admire your style.

Keep writing ... :)


Anonymous said...

Awesome article, one expressed with a unique voice.